You can only make a first impression once, so make it a good one. If people don’t like what they see online, they can simply click a mouse and find a new solution – it is critical to capture people’s attention right away. As an individual, and company, a great place to start is LinkedIn. Below are five ways to ensure you are optimizing your LinkedIn Company Page.
Tell a story
People want information and they want it quickly. Companies should see their overview the same way they would see an elevator pitch – provide enough background about the company that answers the obvious question of what it is that you do. Utilizing key words will also make it easier for individuals to land on your page. Take advantage of the Specialties section by listing out SEO terms that provide further evidence to what the company’s skills are.
Make it visually appealing
Companies can customize their profile icon as well as the banner that appears on the company homepage. Placing the logo as the profile icon allows for instant brand recognition. The banner can be used in a multitude of ways – to show new company accomplishments, promote unique offerings, or have a creative image that ties into the overall brand.
Track everything
Company Page Analytics provide an admin the ability to gauge what viewers are interested in and what type of demographics are looking at their page. Companies should use analytics to test everything they can to gauge an overall sense of engagement and adjust with any necessary modifications.
Showcase your groups
LinkedIn’s purpose is to serve as a networking tool and make connections. The Featured Groups section of a page allows you to show other groups your company participates in. This can be used to expand the company’s network by connecting with other group members and also demonstrate that you are connected within your industry and are aware of what is taking place outside your company walls.
Promote action
Having a LinkedIn profile and not staying active can almost be more harmful than not having a LinkedIn profile at all. Any action on LinkedIn can be seen as another way to reach out to industry peers and keep your company top of mind. It also can demonstrate you as a thought leader; so share different industry-related articles, ask questions to followers, and share company accomplishments. The key is to increase engagement with your followers using LinkedIn!