With over 300+ million members, LinkedIn is the most widely used professional network. 58% of users report spending 2 or more hours a week on LinkedIn and over 200 conversations per minute occur in LinkedIn groups. Beyond the lead generation benefits (read TribalVision’s recent blog “Tips for Using LinkedIn as a Lead Generation Tool”) LinkedIn can also greatly impact your internal and external brand by increasing loyalty and employee engagement. This leaves many employers asking the question, “How can I get in on that?”
One of the easiest ways to capitalize on the LinkedIn network is to recommend that your workforce use LinkedIn. By incorporating LinkedIn training into on-boarding, the expectation is set that all employees should get involved. As Forbes puts it, this simple step can become your company’s rocket fuel. It can increase visibility of your public relations, encourage employees to act as brand ambassadors, and assist with recruiting – just to name a few benefits.
Here are some important tips to remember when incorporating LinkedIn training into on-boarding:
1. Start from the beginning
Don’t assume that everyone knows how to use LinkedIn. Although LinkedIn boasts about their membership numbers, not everyone will have jumped on the trend. So start from the beginning. Provide a guide for employees that gives instructions on how to setup their account, how to add connections, how to join groups, and how to connect with the Company’s LinkedIn page. Additionally, ensure that there is someone available for questions and in-person training if necessary.
2. Teach best practices
Be clear about best practices and what should and should not be included in a profile. For instance, a professional looking headshot should be used versus a selfie from your sibling’s wedding. Provide examples of strong profiles as a visual to back up the best practices. There are many infographics and articles available for use.
3. Communicate how LinkedIn can help the employee
Be sure and explain how LinkedIn benefits the employee NOT just the company. Speak to the individual’s personal brand and professional development. Discuss how connections and LinkedIn groups can help employees foster their interests and help them in their existing position by keeping them up-to-date on recent trends.
By providing LinkedIn training and expectations during on-boarding your company can begin to reap the benefits that so many others have experienced.