The tactics of superior strategy companies are indicative of what successful marketing campaigns will look like in the future. For superior strategy companies, email marketing is the most effective strategy, followed by content creation and organic search (SEO).
Email marketing is the most cost-effective way to boost customer loyalty, drive business, and leverage social networks. As evidenced by the success of the superior strategy companies, refining your organization’s email campaign is a worthy investment to improve your organization’s marketing function. Re-examine your email’s subject line, target audience, calls to action, and subject content, in order to maximize incentive for customer engagement.
Content creation is the second most effective tactic, yet the largest percentage of superior and inferior strategy companies chose content creation as the most difficult tactic to execute. From webinars to blogs to white papers, content creation is a fundamental component of marketing. Great content takes considerable time to create, and the importance of content creation for superior strategy companies demonstrates that the time spent making content will pay off.
The third most effective tactic is organic search, while paid search is one of the least effective tactics. Most companies use paid search, since it is easy to execute. However, organic search tends to resonate more with customers since they may feel as though organic search results are more accurate reflections of what they are looking for, as opposed to paid advertisements. Although search engine optimization can be tedious and time consuming, ranking well in organic search results is far more effective than paid search.