TribalVision, a marketing consulting firm located in the U.S. and Belgium, is pleased to announce that it has been selected by Providence Business News as a presenter and sponsor of the e-Marketing and Technology Summit being held on Tuesday, February 28th at the Providence Marriott in Providence, Rhode Island.

With Providence Business News editor Mark Murphy monitoring the sessions, panelists include; Corissa St. Laurent, Regional Development Director for Constant Contact, Brian Lamoureux, a partner with Pannone Lopes Devereaux & West, and Chris Ciunci, founder and CEO of TribalVision.

The Summit will feature two panels, “Customer Focused e-Communications” followed by “Online Marketing Strategies.” The panels will focus on a number of digital marketing strategies and solutions including; the details of effective website and e-newsletter design, digital advertising, search engine optimization, the use of mobile technology and social media, and ways to quantify marketing.

As part of the firm’s mission, TribalVision helps it’s clients navigate the continually evolving application of e-marketing, a topic that Chris Ciunci will explore in more depth during the Summit.

TribalVision’s founder and CEO Chris Ciunci states, “I’m honored to be part of this seasoned panel and hope to help shed some light on the latest e-marketing strategies and trends that are transforming the way businesses market today. Digital media and technology are crucial to differentiating one’s business in today’s varied and competitive marketing environment, yet it can be difficult to understand exactly how to manipulate electronic solutions to improve your bottom line.”

About the e-Marketing and Technology Summit
The summit will take place at the Providence Marriott on Tuesday, Feb. 28th. Tickets are $35, tables for ten are $300, and seating is limited. Registration and breakfast will begin at 7:30am, after which the first panel session will occur from 8-9:30am followed by the second panel concerning online marketing from 9:45-11am. For more information about the Summit, please contact

About TribalVision           
TribalVision is a marketing consulting firm whose mission is to help small to midsize businesses market smarter. As a marketing department for hire, TribalVision is a flexible, cost-effective alternative to the traditional marketing solutions available to the global business community. TribalVision offers its clients marketing strategy development, channel-mix optimization, tactics implementation, and executive leadership services. TribalVision is transforming the traditional marketing landscape by focusing on interactive e-marketing channels that often cost less, deliver more and are more measurable versus the standard suite of channels that have been broken for quite some time.

To learn more, visit, contact or call us at 401-272-1300.