Struggling to think of fresh content for your blog, social media or other marketing assets? Developing content is essential in marketing your brand and your products but it doesn’t have to be difficult!
Here are some simple and helpful ideas to consider when developing content:
- Leverage your employees – often the best resource you have is your employees. Each employee has a different expertise and a unique voice. Get employees to write a blog post (like we do here at TribalVision) or set up an interview with an expert employee on a valuable topic. This will also showcase all the talent you have to your audience.
- Interview industry experts – who would your readers be most interested in hearing from? How about an industry expert? By offering relevant information from a credible source, you can reach a larger audience and build your own credibility. Get in touch with someone you know or reach out to someone who is a leader in your industry. You can schedule an interview or let them develop content on their own for you to use.
- Answer your FAQs – do you have a list of frequently asked questions? If this is what people are asking about in your industry, then it’s probably what they would be interested in learning about. Dedicate a blog post or a piece of collateral to each one of your frequently asked questions to leverage them into something more impactful.
- Use Google Keyword Planner – if you run out of FAQs, log into Google AdWords and take advantage of the search features of the Google Keyword Planner tool. Keyword Planner generates lists of keyword ideas along with data about how many searches each keyword is receiving. You can use this data to brainstorm topics for developing content. Note: optimizing your content for popular search terms will also help with SEO so it’s a double win.
- Ask your customers – what’s the best way to know what your audience wants to hear about? Ask them. Send out a survey or email with questions about what content people want to see. Make sure to follow through and give them what they ask for.
If you don’t want to ask your audience outright, then look at past trends as an indicator of what type of content works best. Looking at your most popular pieces of content, what information did they cover? What format were they in? Draw some conclusions and use that to adapt your content moving forward.
- Recycle materials – browse your archives and see what old content you can repurpose or be inspired by. Consider adding a new spin to an old post or even just reposting a popular past post.
Content is critical so next time you’re stuck, remember to use the right tools to help develop new ideas and, most importantly, leverage the resources you do have to their biggest impact.